Managed Services

Our flexible scheduling allows us to provide the services our customers need to develop a solution to improve productivity and quality. We are Certified to ISO 9001:2015 by TÜV Rheinland ensuring that all attention is paid to our customers' expectations in dependability, quality and efficiency.  

Futures Unlimited, Inc. offers you quality, speed, and cost-effective ways to manage your projects.  Some of the project capabilities are:

Detect large or small nonconformity through the use of microscopes, micrometers, mag-lights and other precise measuring tools.

Perform variety of rework, from deburring to re-labeling, polishing, gauging, brushing and much more.

Proven years of service to customers, to accurately assemble equipment's, ranging from simple to complex.

Generate customized user-friendly reports as per company requirements to effectively track the product.

Example Products: Sorting, Shipping, Inspection, Shrink-Wrapping, Rework, Light Assembly, Brushing, Packaging